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USAID Twiyubake: “TVET courses created a vision for my life,” testifies Valens Muhire

A good job and a brighter life were the crucial achievements of Valens Muhire, the Technical Vocational Educational Training (TVET) graduate, who is one of USAID TWIYUBAKE Program’s beneficiaries in Huye sector located in Huye District.

However, Muhire, who resides in Huye District, Huye Sector, Sovu Cell, Gako village testifies how his life changed for better from using his skills that he acquired from TVET training Courses which he joined thanks to the school fees offered by SAID TWIYUBAKE Program.

Muhire, a graduated from Maraba VTC in Carpentry trade and after completing his studies’ theory, he went for a practical internship at SEMUHUNGU Carpentry Company where he started realizing his better life changes.“ I knew that sometimes it gets more difficult to find a job after studies. Hence, I set a target of hunting for a job by working hard through using my skills,” said Muhire.He testifies that he was hired by the company when he immediately finished his internship in December 2017, the job that could pay him Rwf 1100Rw per day and buys some restaurant food for Rwf 250.“It was tiresome because I had to walk a long distance every mornings and evenings, but I persevered so as to save some amounts of money for buying my own bicycle for making it easier to reach my job,”

“From Rwf 20400 per month, I had to save Rwf 10000 which enabled to gather Rwf 30,000 to buy a bicycle in March, 2018. Besides, I joined some neighbors’ youth saving groups such as TWIYUBAKE where I got the loan to buy a machine (serre joint) for Rwf 25000. I look forward to buying a hand saw so as to embark on my own projects at home. I am no longer dependent on parents for basic needs and I achieved these as a result of USAID Twiyubake Program that helped me to go for TVET training courses that earned me a job and a brighter life,” Muhire admits with a smile.

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