I’m KAREKEZI Innocent born on 1st January 1920 living in HUYE District KIGOMA Sector SHANGA Cell and NYAMIRAMA Village with ID number 1192080000717034, USAID TWIYUBAKE Program beneficiary with code number 20404-HH-0486-01. When TWIYUBAKE program started in KIGOMA it was in 2016 I went in Saving Group and save; that time I passed long time with a disease; I continue save and lent with a disease even if I was treated at the health center but nothing went because it does not heal ; CBVs come to train us on different topics including Saving, Farmer Field School, WASH and others , And they come to visit us at home then after they told us that there is a support of transport for poor beneficiaries who are sick but who have health care insurance to arrive where transferred by the health center.
I had been given the transfer but due to poverty I did not went. I try to join CBV and ask the explanation about my question because that time increased; her too asking the program officer and she asked me to bring copies of transfer and health care insurance it did not take a long time she bring money to me and accompanied by my daughter I went to HUYE District Hospital (KABUTARE) where they transferred me to Center Hospitarier Universtaire de BUTARE (CHUB) where I have been treated.
It was penectomy for penile. It was difficult to urinate, to sleep or to sit down; it made me feel bad day and night. Arrive at CHUB they had cut my penis and replace it by their artificial materiel. I use to use artificial penis even if it is still a problem to me as I must go to the hospital many times for verification. Today I can sit, sleep and work same jobs which does not require any strength. I thank Twiyubake program for the support that they gave to me but also their visit and advices especially CBV.