On Thursday 28th December 2023, in Nyarugenge & Muhanga Districts, DUHAMIC-ADRI, through a PEPFAR-USAID funded IGIRE-JYAMBERE Activity, successfully concluded the distribution of startup equipment to over 400 individuals youth who successfully graduated from Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) schools.
The distributed equipments are specifically for tailoring, Hair dressing, cooking, and welding.
District leaders express their sincere appreciation to DUHAMIC-ADRI, through IGIRE-JYAMBERE, for its unwavering commitment and continuous support in empowering the youth to positively transform their lives.
The provision of essential tools will not only equip these young individuals with valuable skills but also contributes to the overall development and sustainability of the communities in the respective Districts. “We urge the youth to make optimal use of the opportunities bestowed upon them by the country to foster their personal development” District Executive Administrator Emmy NGABONZIZA of Nyarugenge District.