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Children’s reading clubs are a great way to help them for Improving Literacy


TURINZWENIMANA Jacques is an 8-year-old child studying in the second year of primary school (P2), born in a family of 6 children, his father's name is PEMPOREZE Patience and his mother's name is Uwizeyimana Pelagie, they live in the Murama village, Kabuye Cell, Maraba Sector, in Huye District. This family has been a beneficiary of Uburezi Iwacu Activity (Homes and communities Activities) since August 2022.

The family is Enrolled in the Uburezi Iwacu program, Jacques participates in the reading Club in the village, Parents participate in groups called PPSN (Parents peer support Network) to receive messages on Positive parenting and how to help the child to read in the family. First changes, he has started to dare other children, he finds reading books in reading club, he borrows books and lets his parents for helping him to read, and he knows how to make toys in Local materials for helping him to read together with his parents.

Before the Uburezi Iwacu program reached in the village, Jacques would leave school and put away his notebooks and take them again on his way to school, he would take the reading book that the teacher provided him at school, and he was afraid to read. His parents did not care for the child's literacy, they felt that the teacher is enough, they did not find time to help him to read, the parents felt that the child is reading at school, that it is enough that the teachers also learn it, they felt that the books at school are used by those who have the capacity for facilitating the child, for the learning or assistant the child is the role of the teacher at school.

The changes becomes after  Uburezi Iwacu program reached the village, where the Uburezi  Iwacu field staffs and Volunteers  with the collaboration of Local leaders explained the  parents  on the Uburezi  Iwacu Program , its goals of to improve supportive literacy environments, reduce absenteeism and dropout rates, increase enrollment and strengthen healthcare referrals for children identified with different/special well-being needs, the targeted children are  3-9 years  , because research has shown that a child up to the fourth year(P4) does not know how to read Kinyarwanda Languages , Parents are aware about the reading clubs functioning that 3-6 are the children who will go to ECD, 7-9 Lower primary that they are the ones who will participate in the reading clubs.

After receiving training and explaining the purpose of Uburezi Iwacu program, parents send their children to reading club, parents participate in monthly discussions group on positive parenting through PPSN (Parents peers support network), parents are encouraged to help children in literacy at home, parents are committed to borrow the books using to help the child in reading activity at Home.

Currently Jacques has dared to read in the reading club, He is leaving the books and taking them home to read to his parents and family members, the children of the neighbors gather and read the funny stories he reads in the books, he started to improve his literacy.  Jacques' parents gave him time to help him in reading activity, encouraged him to participate regularly in reading club activity, and gave him lessons that could help his child continue to learn and to read well.” I am proud of my child's reading capacity because of the Uburezi Iwacu program “Said by Patience, Jacques ‘father

The Jacques’ families are very grateful to the Rwanda administration, and they are grateful to the USAID who funded Uburezi Iwacu activity, and thanks to the partners (WV, IF, HI, as Consortium members and DUHAMIC -ADRI as Local implementer in this wonderful program supporting children in Literacy.

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