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Breaking Barriers: Over 2,800 Beneficiaries Celebrate Success in Adult Literacy Program

Huye, June 15, 2023 – Under the Development Entrepreneurship and Literacy Project (DEAL), implemented by DUHAMIC–ADRI in partnership with CARE Rwanda and with the generous support of the GRIEG FOUNDATION, a remarkable milestone was achieved on Thursday, June 15, 2023. A total of 2,805 beneficiaries, consisting of 2,253 women and 552 men, hailing from Gisagara, Huye, Nyamagabe, and Nyanza Districts of the Southern Province, successfully completed a comprehensive 9-month adult literacy program.

The primary objective of this initiative was to enhance the functional literacy and numeracy skills of the participants, empowering them socially, economically, and politically. By providing them with essential knowledge and tools, the program aimed to unlock new opportunities for personal growth and foster positive change within their communities.

The graduation ceremony was an occasion of joy and celebration, as the deserving beneficiaries were awarded certificates of completion for their hard work and commitment. The certificates symbolize their journey from illiteracy to newfound literacy, numeracy, and writing proficiency. Several individuals expressed their deep gratitude, recognizing that prior to acquiring these essential skills, they felt a sense of hopelessness regarding their future prospects.

The graduation ceremony was an occasion of joy and celebration

Today, however, marks a significant turning point in their lives. The DEAL project has equipped them with the necessary tools to overcome barriers and seize new opportunities. The knowledge they have gained throughout the program will serve as a powerful tool for transforming their lives and making a positive impact within their communities.

Janvier Ugeziwe, the Program Manager at DUHAMIC–ADRI, delivered an inspiring message to the graduates, reminding them of the potential that lies within their acquired knowledge. He urged them to utilize their newfound skills to drive change and enhance their lives.

Janvier Ugeziwe, the Program Manager at DUHAMIC–ADRI giving his remarks during the graduation ceremony

"Remember, the knowledge you have acquired is a powerful tool. Utilize it to make a positive impact on your own lives and the communities you are part of. Embrace the opportunities ahead and be the change you wish to see." Said Ugeziwe.

During the ceremony, Mme KANKESHA Annonciatha, the Vice Mayor in Charge of Social Affairs at Huye District, lauded the DEAL project for its exceptional work in the District. She stressed the fundamental role of reading, writing, and numeracy skills in fostering development. Mme KANKESHA encouraged the beneficiaries to make the most of their acquired knowledge, highlighting that the barriers they once faced have now been eliminated.

Mme KANKESHA Annonciatha, the Vice Mayor in Charge of Social Affairs at Huye District, giving a certificate of completion to one of the beneficiaries.

The successful completion of the adult literacy program under the DEAL project is a testament to the transformative impact that education and empowerment can have on individuals and communities. Through the collective efforts of DUHAMIC–ADRI, CARE Rwanda, and the GRIEG FOUNDATION, lives have been changed, and doors of opportunity have been opened for a brighter future.

As the beneficiaries embark on their new journeys, armed with literacy and numeracy skills, it is hoped that they will continue to inspire others and serve as catalysts for progress and positive change in Rwanda.

More photos of the event:

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