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After her successful Adult Literacy Education by DEAL Project, Jeannette MUKANYANDWI is now a child Care in her Village.

Mukanyandwi Jeannette, 34 years old was born in Nyamagabe District, Kibirizi Sector, Bugarura Cell and Rwinyana Village.

After her parents died in 1994, she was studying in Primary one (P1) and become, then unable to continue her studies. She struggled with life for so years. She was illegally married and she has now 3 kids.

Jeannette filling the consent form/ Photo taken on 3 May 2024

In all years she said, “I was not able to manage even 1000 Rwandan Francs, I was a member of saving groups but it did not help me because I was not able to manage the loan”

“I was timid to join my fellows of the same generation and even I cannot join the church. I was not able to use IT equipment even a simple telephone”, she continued saying.


As Jeannette has a child studying in Primary school, he could help her learning with some vowels and was interested.  With the information gained from her saving group members, she decided to join the Adult literacy session at her nearest school.  She started in July 2023 with her colleagues, as she was interested she excellently learned all lessons.

As a good result, Jeannette is now a volunteer in Home and community based ECD (Irerero), the full-time job but working a mid-day time at the VUP (Vision Umurenge Program), she gets a monthly salary of 15.000 Rwandan Francs. 


This job is not a favor, said Jeannette. “We got trained in childcare and the training was supposed to be attended by people who know how to read, write and counting skills.”

“Every week I send a working report to Social Affairs at Sector level and I write that report myself.” In addition to this, I have now a phone which helps me to communicate with my bosses and other people. You cannot work without communicating”.


As the children she supports are prepared to start the primary school education, she helps them to read and write numbers, letters, etc

Jeannette with kids at the village childcare hub/ Photo taken on 3 May 2024

Despite being employed as a childcare, she can now help her children in Primary and nursery schools in exercising their Kinyarwanda homework. She was elected to be the National Women's Council Coordinator at her village level, she is a member of the Village Committee Administration. Jeannette joined the Christian choir; she regularly attends choir rehearsals requiring reading skills and Sunday masses.

With her husband, they are prepared for legal marriage, and she is proud of herself reading vows to her partner. Jeannette expresses her gratitude to DUHAMIC-ADRI which helped her in adult literacy, her husband who supported and facilitated her in this literacy journey and to the VUP which engaged her manage the nursery, thus achieving personal and professional fulfillment.

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