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Project Gallery


From October 2022, DUHAMIC-ADRI is implementing a five-year
PEPFAR/USAID funded Project named USAID IGIRE-JYAMBERE Activity
in all sectors of Nyarugenge and Muhanga Districts aiming at preventing new
HIV infections and reducing vulnerability among Orphans and Vulnerable
Children (OVC) and their households and Adolescent Girls and Young
Women (AGYW) in high HIV burden Districts in Rwanda

Project Goal

To prevent new HIV infections and reduce vulnerability among 57,000
OVC and their households and Adolescents girls and young women in HIV
burden in two districts: Muhanga and Nyarugenge

Project Coverage

All 10 Sectors of Nyarugenge and 12 Sectors of Muhanga Districts

Key Achievements

- 2,374 most vulnerable AGYW received school fees and materials.
- 282 AGYW provided TVET support and start up kits.
- 7,635 children (2,700 boys and 4,935 girls), facilitated by 74 trained teachers
mentors, completed the SRHR curriculum through in-school youth clubs.
- 7,911 new AGYW enrolled
- 1,539 beneficiaries received unconditional cash (71,000 RfW/HH)
- 630 AGYW to be initiated on PrEP

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