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Integrated Nutrition and WASH activity

DUHAMIC-ADRI in partnership with CRS and SNV funded by USAID implemented the Five years project “Integrated Nutrition and WASH activity” locally known as GIKURIRO Program in all 10 sectors of Kicukiro districts.

Target population(s): 37,000 vulnerable households with malnourished children and those in families living conditions exposed children to malnutrition.

Project Goal

The goal of Gikuriro Program was to improve the nutritional status of women of reproductive age and children under five years of age, with an emphasis on the 1,000-day window of opportunity from pregnancy until a child’s second birthday.

Project Coverage

Kicukiro District

Key Achievements

- According to DHS 2019/2020, Kicukiro District has significantly reduced
child stunting from 17% to 10.7 % in five years of Gikuriro as result of
improved regular monthly Growth Monitoring, rehabilitation of
malnourished children and strengthened DPEM at all levels (District,
Sectors, Cells, Villages)

- 2,119 women in reproductive age were organized into Village saving and
lending associations and started small income generating activities in
horticulture, handcraft, livestock ;etc
- 297 community hygiene and health clubs organized
- 350 Vulnerable families were supported to rehabilitate their latrines

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