Project Gallery
Gikuriro Kuri Bose-INECD is a 6-year ( 2021-2026) funded by CRS Rwanda and implemented by DUHAMIC-ADRI in Nyanza and Nyamasheke districts.
The project focuses on the 1,000-day window, strengthen inclusion of 72,000 children and 82,000 adults including persons with disabilities, and improve positive parenting and child development.
Project Goal
To improve the health, functioning, nutritional status (reduction of child stunting), and well-being of women of reproductive age and children under five years of age.
Project Coverage
Nyanza and Nyamasheke Districts
Key Achievements
-32 ECD facilities/Nurturing care hubs have been constructed and provided integrated Nutrition, ECD and social inclusion services.
-1,008 Villages were equiped with kitchen utensils to be used in cooking demonstration.
-3,062 chickens for 1,736 families in Nyanza and in Nyamasheke 5,624 chicken for 2,842 families were distributed
-30 Vulnerable Persons with Disabilities who have graduated from TVET were equipped with tailoring machines