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SMART: Sustainable Market Alliance and Asset Creation for Resilient Communities and Gender Transformation

SMART Project is implemented to achieve three main project outcomes:
(1) improved food security and shock resilience of small-scale farmers,
(2) Increased production and market surplus by supported smallholder farmers and
(3) improved capacity of government and communities to design and implement, nutrition-, gender- and climate-sensitive social protection programmes.

Project Goal

Sustainable Market Alliance and Asset Creation for Resilient Communities and Gender Transformation

Project Coverage

Rutsiro and Kayonza Districts

Key Achievements

DUHAMIC-ADRI used its strong expertise in GALS methodology to built capacity of the 20 (11 women and 9 Men) and consortium members staff (WFP, Good neighbors) implementing SMART project on GALS thodology;

- DUHAMIC-ADRI has facilitated the training of GALS champion reached a total of 1,949 champions including 678 women and 1;271 men;

- 387 radical terracing (289 in Rutsiro and 98 in Kayonza) were established and valorized by farmers

- 193 progressive terracing were established with 101 in Rutsiro and 92.5 in Kayonza districts

- 700 farmers (272 women and 428 men) were given agroforestry planting materials made by 457,600 cuttings of penissetum and 28,350 seedlings of Alnus to protect 126 ha of bench terraces in Rutsiro District;

- 3 market places and sellings (2 in Rutsiro and 1 in Kayonza) were constructed and availed to project beneficiaries to be used;

- 1 Seed contioning facility was constructed and 42 farmers were registered to use the facility and by end of August 2023, 17 members among them have completed to give the individual share of 200,000 Rwf where 3,400,000 Rwf were collected and put-on saving account;

- 21 farmers (10 women and 11 men) in the community of Bitenga of Rutsiro District were trained on seed multiplication, use and management of seed conditioning facility;

- 680 farmers of Bitenga marshland (500 women and 180 men) were assisted and supported to grow irish potatoes where they have made the total production of 689 MT of Irish potatoes were sold for a total value of sales worth of 35,749,930 Rwf and each farmer has obtained an averaged income of 52,500 Rwf;

- 118 farmers (50 women and 68 men) of Kinyinya irrigation scheme were supported to grow vegetables and have made the cumulative income of 18,079,950 Rwf from sales of cabbages, amaranthus, tomatoes, green pepper, onions and beetroots;

- 140 households which include 71 women-headed households and 69 men-headed households (30 women-led and 40 men-led households in Rutsiro and 36 men-headed households and 34 women-headed in Kayonza District) were supported with plastic rainwater harvesting tanks.

- 320 households (160 households represented by 83 women and 77 men in Rutsiro District and 160 households represented by 80 women and 80 men in Kayonza District were supported with small livestock made by 47 Pigs, 196 Goats and 77 sheep.

Project Gallery

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