HVC: Sustainable livelihoods in Horticulture Value Chain
HVC is a 4-year project (2020-2024) funded by EU through OXFAM and implemented by DUHAMIC-ADRI in Rulindo District.
Project Goal
To contribute to unlocking the potential of Rwanda’s horticultural value chains to ensure the supply of safe and high-quality products to local, regional and international markets.
Project Coverage
Rulindo District
Key Achievements
-One ceiling and exhibition center was constructed in Rulindo District /Kirenge
-Horticulture productivity increased from 10.2T, 4.3T, 4.8T per ha in year 3 to 11.1T, 4.6T, 4.9T per ha in year 4 respectively for chili, egg plants and flowers
-New 35 ha of land are occupied with improved horticulture farming practices. Cumulatively 692 ha were covered over 4years.
-The value of signed farming contracts is 58,400 Euros over the reporting period.